About the Company:
Melainvest and Partners Ltd. is a leading Bulgarian company investing, trading and managing assets in the construction sector. The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Burgas in batch № 883, Volume 29, reg.1, p.16, under company 2274/2002. The entirely private capital is paid at the date of incorporation.

The principal activity of Melainvest and Partners Ltd. includes a wide range of activities in the construction sector, namely the construction of residential, industrial, public buildings and infrastructure sites. The Company offers its clients additional services related to the study and preparation of investment projects, investment control, accounting and legal advice, advertising, interior and exterior design and more.

Over the years of strengthening its position on the construction market Melainvest & Partners Ltd. is constantly developing its internal structure. The management of the company is carried out by the General Assembly of Shareholders and the Manager. The company is represented by the Manager Nikolay Vasilev Todorov.
Parallel with the constant subcontractors Melainvest & Partners Ltd. has collaborated with over recent years, the company has managed to engage in its activities more than 170 people. Melainvest & Partners Ltd. currently employs experienced workers, divided into different brigades: steel construction workers, casing workers, mason workers, isolation workers, metal structure assemblers, finishing works brigade, etc. The management of this structure is carried out by the engineering staff: architects, designers, civil, electrical and plumbing engineers, coordinators on safety and health at work, technical supervisors and lawyers.
The company controls the quality of work performed by its own internal investment control. Specialists in various auxiliary areas also work in the office of Melainvest and Partners Ltd.: Advertising and Marketing Department, Offers and Analysis, Economic and Legal Department. A Real Estate Sales Department also functions within the stucture of Melainvest and Partners Ltd.
The management of Melainvest and Partners Ltd. recognizes its responsibility to develop not only successful but also responsible construction business, with care to protect the environment.

For this purpose:

  • The Company maintains and continuously improves the System of Environmental Management as an integral part of its overall management;

  • regularly reviews and provides the necessary financial resources for their implementation;

  • takes the necessary precautions to prevent pollution;

  • provides the necessary training and qualifications to all its employees and workers;

  • complies strictly with the legal and other regulations related to the identified environmental aspects;

  • reviews the environmental policy for its compliance with the changing conditions.